Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Cottage

We spent this past long weekend up in Canada, at the cottage.  The cottage has been in Mike's family for several decades.  Mike and his brother spent many summers there growing up and the cottage has become a very special place for us over the years.  It was where Mike proposed to Kit and it is just a wonderful place to relax, swim, hike, fish, stargaze... you name it!  We also have many family gatherings at the cottage; and this weekend was no different.  It was great to catch up with aunts, uncles, and cousins.

We're so excited to be able to share the cottage experience with Tommy!  Last year, the cottage was still a bit much for Tommy to manage, but this year, being the busy and curious toddler he is, the cottage was right up his alley!  Tommy was excited to "go camping," to sleep in a tent, use his own sleeping bag, and catch his first fish with his new fishing pole!  The weather was perfect and we enjoyed splashing in the water, paddle boating (Tommy steered "like Captain Hook"), and getting out on the boat.  Mike even got in a bit of wakeboarding, while Kit worked on her tan!

Evenings were spent by the campfire talking, listening to music, and having S'mores of course!  We were actually surprised that Tommy isn't a big S'mores fan... so Mommy and Daddy had to make the sacrifice and eat his!  Ha!

Going for a boat ride!

It's always a bit hard to come home, but we're looking forward to another trip up there soon!  

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